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What a blessing it is that you are here in the present—ready and willing to cultivate and secure your self esteem.
But first, your mind must be calm.
And your posture must be comfortable.
Slowly, close your eyes.
You may sit elevated or declined. .
Either way, rest comfortably.
Relax your forehead.
Visualize yourself smiling.
Visualize yourself confident.
Visualize yourself happy.
Attach imagery to your visualization.
Visualize yourself smiling, while trotting along a colorful pathway.
Visualize yourself confident, while creating a delicious dish.
Visualize yourself happy, while singing a joyous song.
Regardless of the imagery that you choose...
Continue to visualize yourself smiling.
Continue to visualize yourself confident.
Continue to visualize yourself happy.
Attach smiles, confidence, and happiness to your self-esteem.
Relax your eyelids.
Envision yourself aware.
Envision yourself intuned.
Envision yourself reflective.
Attach imagery to your visualization.
Envision yourself aware like an eagle—soaring and strategic.
Envision yourself intuned like a tree—gaining nutrients from the soil and the sun.
Envision yourself reflective like the sun—reflecting on earth and the moon.
Regardless of the imagery that you choose...
Continue to envision yourself aware.
Continue to envision yourself intuned.
Continue to envision yourself reflective.
Attach awareness, intuition, and reflection to your self-esteem.
Now visualize yourself weaving your very own self-esteem blanket.
In this blanket, you will weave many threads.
Each thread represents a virtue.
Some threads are necessary.
Other threads are unnecessary.
In your self-esteem blanket, you will weave threads of...
self-respect, self-confidence, and self-love.
Out of your self-esteem blanket, you will unweave threads of...
disrespect, difference, and disdain.
Inhale. Allowing all threads of self-respect to join seamlessly.
Exhale. Allowing all threads of disrespect to detach easily.
Inhale. Allowing all threads of self-confidence to join seamlessly.
Exhale. Allowing all threads of diffidence to detach easily.
Inhale. Allowing all threads of self-love to join seamlessly.
Exhale. Allowing all threads of disdain to detach easily.
Bundle yourself in your self-esteem blanket.
Marvel at your masterpiece.
You have created such an exquisite self-esteem blanket.
Take your self-esteem blanket with you everywhere.
Your self-esteem blanket has many powers.
Power 1: Protection.
Power 2: Patience.
Power 3. Purpose.
Power 1 explained: Your self-esteem blanket protects you from harm.
Power 2 explained: Your self-esteem blanket patiently nurtures your mind, your mood, and your motivation.
Power 3 explained: Your self-esteem blanket purposely enriches your positivity.
What a blessing it is that you are here in the present—able and willing to cultivate and secure your self-esteem.
© 2018. Destiny Jackson. All rights reserved.
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